20 November 2018

21st November. (Medlar Harvest).

  1. See to the dogs
  2. See to the sheep - Checked and counted the sheep. Took across some hay.
  3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round.
  4. Harvesting - Cleared leaves from under the Medlar tree. Picked the Medlars.
  5. Break for tea.
  6. Greenhouse work - Moved planted from the cold greenhouse. Made a start on installing insulation.
  7. Break for lunch.
  8. Greenhouse work - Finished installing the insulation in the cold house. Moved the plants back in.
  9. Packing up.
  10. See to the dogs - Fed the dogs and left them in the garden for an hour. 
  11. See to the bins - Put the black bins out for collection.
  12. See to the dogs - Put the dogs away for the night.
Timothy - Michael checking over the Medlars.

Notes - A damp and  old day so a good chance to insulate the greenhouses. I still have the hot houses to do.

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