2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep.
3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round. Potted on some plants. Took off some dead leaves.
4. Transplanting - Removed a young grapevine in preparation for work on the conservatory to be carried out. Planted into the greenhouse border.
5. Break for tea.
6. Remove Ivy from the thorn tree.
7. Pruning - Did some cutting back on the Wisteria by the rose garden. With help from the wind it's got a bit out of control of late.
8. Break for lunch.
9. Finished off the Wisteria - RepairEd the framework.
10. Tidying in front of the lily pond - Cut down the Verbena. Edged the lawn. Trimmed the Ivy around the pond. Cleared the Day Lily bed.
11. Packing up - Cleaned and put away the tools.
12. See to the dogs - Fed and put away the dogs.
I am not the only one struggling with wisteria. This plant is really strong! Groetjes Hetty
Hello Hetty. This Wisteria is a very old plant that has never had much training. It's supported by a wooden frame which had partly collapsed letting the plant fall down in places. So I repaired the frame and trained the Wisteria over it so that now one can once again access the lily pond patio from that direction.
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