13 August 2020

Delphinium Crown Bud Cuttings Update.

This is just a quick update on the Delphinium crown bud cuttings from the previous post. Some appear to be stronger than others but so far none appear to have died off. I knocked the best and one of the not so good ones out of their pots and found roots on the best one but none on the lesser one although that is not to say there were no roots  forming. I will keep an eye on them over the coming weeks because I think that if they are going to take okay they should start showing signs soon. Most of them have certainly put on some leaf recently if that is anything to go by.  



Doc said...

Well done Rob. I should try this next year my wife absolutly loves these and I never seem to have much luck with them.

Rob said...

It was just a bit of fun to see what I could get from just one plant. If you just wanted to increase your stock by two or three then split it in to bigger chunks and that way you will most likely be able to retains some roots with each piece so giving a better chance of success. Having said that though I am pretty confident that all of these seem to have taken. I will post more updates as they progress.