9 July 2022

A New Purpose In Life.

 Today has been warm and sunny once again.

I made this little creation below. The people who had the house before us left it behind and as we won't be using it for its intended purpose I have given it a new job in life. The silver Cinneraria is meant to symbolise smoke and the red Geranium is the fire.

I didn't do much of anything today other than a bit of potting on. I did clean down the white bench and moved it round to the front garden and then in the afternoon I watched the sprint race at the Austrian GP.

Vicki found out today that the caretaker has decided not to leave after all which doesn't surprise me. I just hope that everyone who donated to her leaving event get a refund. My retirement date is set for the 26th August 2022 so not long to go now.

The picture below is of the evening sky over Rusholme after a glorious summers day.


Susan Heather said...

I love the way you have planted the chiminea.

ellen abbott said...

So have you moved into the new house then? Has the estate got a new gardener to step in when you retire?

Rob said...

It was just hanging around at the back of the garage Susan. We won't be using it so I thought this would be better than it just cluttering the place up.

Rob said...

Yes we have moved into the new house Ellen but I'm still working at the big house until the end of August. I also stay in our old house on the estate for three nights a week to save on travelling. They haven't got a new gardener yet as far as I know. They were going to get me someone to train up for the job but that seems to have been forgotten.