22 April 2024

A Tree Set Free.

 Today it has rained for most of the day and when it wasn't raining it was dismal and cold to say the least.

I have been away helping Lynette with their garden which turned out to be pretty miserable given the weather situation. However we did manage to get the large conifer moved from the planter and into the ground by the little gate. We all agreed that the position suited it.

The conifer from the planter filled a gap at the back of a border.

I took some plants from home for them again so I spent some time preparing places in the borders for them. I also did some weeding of the path by the little gate so I was pretty much able to fill my time there.

Today is the first anniversary of my mum passing.


Jim said...

Well placed. Something may have to be moved when it gets large. I had to look "conifer" up to see what it was. My thumb is not green.
Been a while since I peeked in here, you moved but are you still working some for your former garden owner?
Yes, it is hard having Mum pass. It hit me when my mom died, that I'd always had a mother and now I have none.

Rob said...

The conifer won't get bigger Jim, I won't allow it - ha ha! I will just keep it pruned to the size that fits the space.
I'm retired now Jim, so I'm no longer gardener to the big house. Most of what you see here will be from my own garden although I do help friends with their gardens when needed. I don't do any work for my old boss for whom I worked for 18 years. Who I might add didn't even have the manners to come and say goodbye - I guess money doesn't buy class.
I know just what you mean Jim, it was a big shock when suddenly mum wasn't there anymore.