18 August 2010

Some Merlot For Jim.

I just took these pix for my friend Jim. He has a very interesting blog so why not take a look as I'm sure he would be pleased to see you, just click [Here].

I'll save these for next time you're over Jim - better keep of the escalators afterwards thought!!!

Sent from my Palm Treo Smartphone.


Jim said...

Thank you, Bob. This is most nice. Thank you for mentioning my blog too!

If time is okay I will give you a heads up the next time we come. I don't know if it will before Christmas or not. It depends on whether our daughter and family come home to Texas or takes holiday someplace in Europe.

We are leaving (by air) on the 24th of August for a week for Quebec City and Montreal in Quebec. Seems we will both be gone the same time.

Sara said...

I see your bottles look much dustier than the ones on JIm's blog. You must be saving them for special occassions.

Escalators scare me when I'm sober!

Kimmie said...

Merlot is one of my favorites...


mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

Rob said...

Thanks as always for your comments.

Tis the end of September when we go to Scotland but I hope you have a nice time all the same.

We don't have many escalators round these parts but I once got dragged in to a shop where there was one and I found getting on it to be the worst part.

As you know the good lord works in mysterious ways so maybe one bottle is for you and yours!