27 February 2019

27th February.

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the outdoor runs. 
2. See to the sheep - Checked and counted the sheep. 
3. See to the greenhouses - Checked round. Did some stopping of Fuchsias and Geraniums. 
4. Pruning - Pruned the roses in the Memorial Gardens. 

5. Break for tea. 

26 February 2019

26th February.

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Left in the runs.
2. See to the sheep - Shook up the hay in the rack. Checked and counted the sheep.
3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round.
4. Edging -  Edged the Courtyard lawns.
5. Break for tea.
6 Tidying the South Front wall beds - Trimmed any Ivy. Cut back dead growth on some of the plants. Forked the soil. Carted off the rubbish.

7. Break for lunch.
8. Strimming -  Strimmed around the stone etc in the Courtyard area.

9. Tidying the South Front window borders - Removed Ivy from the drawing room steps. Pruned back the Clematis and anything else in need. Took the dead leaves off last year's Geraniums as most are still showing signs of life. Carted off most of the rubbish.

10. Packing up.
11. Fed and put away the dogs.

18 February 2019

Holiday Time.

This week there will be no gardening as I am taking the week off as part of my annual leave.

15 February 2019

The tree.

Another picture of the tree to add to the series.


Snowdrops growing on the back lane.

A visitors car stuck on top of one of the grass respecters. 

This is what happens when you mess with my grass.

14 February 2019

14th February. (The First Cut).

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden.
2. See to the greenhouses - Checked round. 
3. Servicing - Sharpened the blades on the cutting deck. Lubricated the cutting deck and the tractor. Fitted the cutting deck to the tractor. 
4. Break for tea.
5. Pruning - Made a start on pruning the Raspberries. 
6. Break for lunch. 
7. Mowing - Cut and rolled the lawns in the walled garden with the tractor. 

8. Packing up - Cleaned and put away the tools. 
9. Put the bins back.
10. Fed and put away the dogs.

12 February 2019

12th February

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden. 

2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep. Checked round the cricket pavilion. Checked the water trough.

3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round. Swept out the greenhouse. 

4. Carting off rubbish - Carted away the rubbish from yesterday's work around the garden house. 

5. Break for tea. 

6. Pruning - Tidied up the Wisteria that grows against the garden house. 

7. Pruning - Raised the canopy of the Ivy tree. 

8. Break for lunch. 

9. Trimming - Gave the Ivy by the garden house steps a little trim. 

10. Removed Ivy from the stone seat under the Ivy tree. 

11. Picked up some broken glass blown out of the conservatory by Erik. 

12. Put an edge around the front of the Privet by the Ivy tree. 

13. Packing up. 

14. Fed and put away the dogs. 

11 February 2019

11th February.

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden. 

2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep. 

3. See to the green houses - Checked and watered round. Potted on a couple of plants. 

4. Took a conifer branch to the burn pile. 

5. Break for tea. 

6. Clearing leaves - Raked up some leaves from around and the garden house. 

7. Break for lunch. 

8. Moving the gas heater after rearranging greenhouses last Friday. 

9. Servicing - Removed a broken part from the cutting deck ready for a replacement. Cleaned the threads on the nuts and bolt as they are very rusty. 

10. Servicing - Called me Farmstar to see about getting the tractor serviced. 

11. Put some bubble instalation to store in the mower shed. 

12. Packing up - Cleaned and put away the tools. 

13. Fed and put away the dogs. 

5 February 2019

5th February . (Bramley Apple Pruning).

1. Seeing to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden.
2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep. Broke the ice on the watere trough.

3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round.
4. Pruning - Made a start on pruning the Bramley apple tree.

5. Break for tea.
6. Continued with the pruning.
7. Break for lunch - Time for a warm up by the fire.

8. Pruning - Finished pruning the Bramley apple tree.
9. Packing up.
10. See to the dogs - Fed and put away the dogs.

4 February 2019

4th February. (Edging).

1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden. 
2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep. Checked the water trough for ice. No ice this morning. 
3. Seeing to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round. Potted on a Geranium. 
4. See to the logs - Topped up the log box. 
5. Break for tea. 
6. Edging - Putting a new edge around the conifer trees by the greenhouse lawn. 

7. Break for lunch. 
8. Finished off edging around the conifers. 

9. Packing up - Cleaned and put away the tools. 
10. See to the dogs - Fed and put away.

Notes - Today I was introduced the newly appointed promotions manager.

1 February 2019

1st February (Finished Clearing The Lead Pile).

1. See to the dogs - Fed the dogs. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden. I've been teaching Jess (the puppy) some table manners and I am pleased to say that she is improving day by day.
2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep. Broke the ice on the water trough. The farmer delivered some sugar beet yesterday so there was quite a bit of hay left in the feeder this morning.
3. See to the greenhouses - Checked round. 

4. Seeing to the dogs - Fitted a new heat bulb in the day kennel. 

5. Office work - Prepared January receipts and other paper work for the estate office. 

6. Break for tea.

7. Clearing leaves - Finished clearing the temporary lead pile.

8. Break for lunch.

9. Office work - Submitted an order for herbs.

10. Red and put away the dogs.