1 January 2011

TV and Dinner Day.

Today has been a very lazy day for me, I seem to be having a lot of lazy days of late. I've spent a good part of it watching TV We've watched four movies, one was Terry Prachett's going postal then there was Fantastic Mr Fox I slept through quite a bit of that. We also watched an action movie which I don't know the name of and we just finished the day watching a drama telling the story of Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise's formative years For those that don't know Eric and Ernie were a popular English double act.

I guess the only other highlight of the day worthy of a mention was the dinner that Vicki cooked. It was roast chicken with all the trimmings, like another Christmas dinner it was. So I was pretty stuffed after that, there was even plenty left for the dogs to enjoy a new year roast chicken dinner.


Sara said...

This is a good time of year to be lazy. We went out for dinner tonight, and the restaurant was full. I guess everyone was too lazy to cook.

Wyatt said...

Thanks for the movie tips. I liked the look of the 'going postal' one.
We are going to check that out!

We went for a hike today, with the pups. Now we are watching the t.v.
Trying to figure out how to win the HGTV Dream House!!

Wyatt's Mom

OldSouth said...

A most happy New Year, and thanks for the good humor and insight you share.


Emily C. said...

HAHA. i'm getting lazy too!

Punk Chopsticks said...

Being lazy is just great XD. Btw, great post, lol man I love your humour XD

Matron said...

It seems just perfect that the dogs can enjoy roast turkey or chicken with a pile of veggies too! Happy New Year!

Gail said...

We all have to relax now and then.

Sounds like a delightful day to me.

Anonymous said...

Stopped by after visiting Matron...lazy days, aren't they wonderful?!!!

Darlene said...

I don't know how many times I've had to stop and think 'what day is it?'. There is something to be said for routine but being lazy is awfully nice sometimes.