Temp Low: 2C
Temp High: 6C
Feels Like: -4 to 0C
Percipitation: 8 mm
Wind Speed: 38 mph
Wind Direction: SW
UV Index: Low
Weather: Breezy with snow and rain.
See to the sheep
Mon 19/01/2009 08:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 09:10
Job 267
1) Took across some hay.
2) Checked and counted the sheep.
Tidying up
Mon 19/01/2009 09:10 -Mon 19/01/2009 10:30
Job No. 268
Took off the staging boards down one side of the conservatory and cleaned them off and then disinfected them also while they were off I had a good sweep up under the staging. (Note 1)
Break for tea
Mon 19/01/2009 10:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 10:45
Job No. 267
1 Mug of tea and 3 shortbread biscuits.
Check if logs are needed.
Mon 19/01/2009 10:45 -Mon 19/01/2009 11:30
Job No.268
Took 3 baskets of logs.
Had a chat with cleaners.
Cut down dead plants in courtyard
Mon 19/01/2009 11:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 12:30
Public Gardens
Job No. 269
Cut down some Chrysanths, Sedoms and anything else that looked like it needed a trim.
Break for lunch
Mon 19/01/2009 12:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 13:30
Job No.270
Fetch some hay.
Mon 19/01/2009 13:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 15:00
Job No. 271
Fetched 11 bales of hay.
Clear out the tubs
Mon 19/01/2009 15:00 -Mon 19/01/2009 15:35
Public Gardens
Job No. 272
There were a few old Osteospurmums left in the half barrels in the courtyard so as they were no longer looking like they were worth keeping I took them out.
Clip the shrub by the office steps
Office steps
Mon 19/01/2009 15:35 -Mon 19/01/2009 16:00
Public Gardens
Job No.273
Tidy up the fuel tank passage
fuel tank passage
Mon 19/01/2009 16:00 -Mon 19/01/2009 16:30
Public Gardens
Job No.274
Clean and put away the tools.
Potting Shed
Mon 19/01/2009 16:30 -Mon 19/01/2009 17:00
Potting Shed
Job No.275
1) A couple of pictures to show what I was doing with the staging. After its been washed, scrubbed and disinfected.
The Weaver of Grass I'm not sure what variety the Tomatoes are, they are actually rooted sideshoots from the ones I grew last summer and as I grew a few different kinds I can't really say. I remember when I first started gardening they had the solid fuel boiler to heat the greenhouses. In some ways I wish it was a solid fuel boiler here as it used to be in the potting shed so would have been nice and warm in there back in the old days. I don't think I would miss looking after the boiler though because as you say it was a bit of a chore.
Jeanette I'm guessing now that Coldies are beer or lager?
Mad Bush Farm Crew I find that grass cuttings from the lawn make a good mulch provided you haven't treated the lawn with weedkiller. I use a lot of grass cutting around the bottoms of the Raspberries and they seem to love it.
Merle Thats okay, just pop in when you have a minute. Its a shame your beans died but as you say its better for them to suffer than yourself. I often wondered why they have the V8 Supercar season in your Winter because most of the motor sport here is done during the summer months but I guess if you have that sort of heat it wouldn't be possible to race a car in it so I reckon that answers my question.
Thanks for the photos of the moors, and the plaque explaining the relation to Wuthering Heights. It is just magical!
Funny how we don't use the word "moors" in the US. I wonder why, I'm sure we have them somewhere.
Gday Bob, Snowingggg Geees Brrr Love the green countryside and the walk across the Moors.and the plaque and the association with Wuthering heights...You didnt mention what you had for lunch..
We had 43c today a scortcher of a day .. yep I had a couple of Coldies=Beer You Guessed right (Beer). sometimes called stubbies after Bowls.. Jen
Sara You're welcoem to the pictures. The moors are just wilderness places really.
Jeanette Sorry I forgot to mention what I had for lunch, due to firstly my PDA playing up and then my computer I'm having to use some different software to record my jobs so I'm still getting to grips with the new way of doing things. The snow didn't amount to anything, it was just a few flakes in the wind.
Oh, I love that photo with the two trees and the remnant of the house. Wuthering Heights is one of my all time favorite books...I'd love that picture-something about the moors and heather!
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
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