31 July 2010


This afternoon we took a walk along a trail in the Grizdale Forest.

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Derwent Water.

We arrived ok and found Vicki. Just taking a little walk to the lake as Tommy wants a padle.

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Ready To Roll

We're all packed up and ready to roll.

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28 July 2010

The End Of The Road.

I'm afraid the news is not very good about Tippy. The vet has advised that it would be best to let her go.

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Tippy Update.

I just phoned the Vet to see how Tippy is and they told me that she is stable but no change in her condition. They are going to call me later after they get the results of the blood tests.

Kimmie asked how I am? I am pleased to say that I am over most of the nasty symptoms like sore throat etc. I still have a bit of a cough but the worst thing now is a lack of enrgy. I took Tom a walk this morning and went to check the greenhouses and my legs like jelly by the time I got home. I thought I might do some light duties today but I think they may have to be a bit lighter than planned. Its raining on and off anyway so I'm not going out in the rain to work.

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27 July 2010

Over Night Stay.

Tonight I had to leave Tippy at the vets so that she could go on a drip as she wasn't getting enough fluids from the amount she was able to drink. I asked the vet if there was a chance that all the treatment would cure her or was I just prolonging the agony for her? She didn't really give me any kind of a definate answer so tonight I am waiting to see how she is tomorrow. I hope they never make it possible for people to have the power to end the lives of loved ones because no one should have to face or live with the feeling that they chose to end the life of a friend.
Even if its for all the right reasons. Its actualy very similar to the feelings I had when people were putting me under pressure not to take to Tommy when I found him, I just find it so hard to let go. Anyway all is not quite lost yet, hopefully tomorrow will bring better news.
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You Have To Ask.

In a short while we will be once a again off to the vets with Tippy. After the visit yesterday she improved slightly but I can't help feeling I'm just prolonging the agony. I wouldn't mind if I knew she would make a worthwhile recovery but if we go through all this anguish now only for it to be repeated again in just a short time you have to question whether you are doing it for yourself or the dog. We will just have to see what they say tonight.

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26 July 2010

I have taken today off work as a sick day to aid my recovery also it means that I can sit with Tippy.

Vicki has gone away this week to a religious convention at Keswick hopefully she will have a nice time and return relaxed and fresh.

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Sick Day.

I have spent most of today lying around. When I got home last night I had a temperature of 102 and the cold I'd been nursing sinse last Monday had moved to my chest leaving me with an extremely sore throat and a violent cough. During the course of today my temp has gone back to normal so I guess that means I'm getting better. I feel very drained and my throat is still a bit rough.

I've not really been with it as to what's been happening around here today, usually the dogs tend to come and go as they please but I suddenly realised I hadn't seen Tippy in a while so I went to find her. She hasn't been very well for a while now and has virtually stopped eating. Now I can't get her to stand up or even drink some milk so its not looking so good. I've put her on her bed by the side of mine. Its quite upsetting.

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24 July 2010


Today I am at my parents. Me and Tom are here by ourselves as Vicki and her friend along with my parents have gone to the RHS show at Tatton Park. Because Vicki can't drive yet they have all gone by coach from here. Its a days excursion put on by a coach tour company local to this area which is why me and Tom are here, we brought Vicki.

I am a bit under the weather at the moment suffering a cold. I want to lay down but when I do my head just becomes completely congested so I alternate between walking round aching and lying down trying to rest. Now I think it has gone on my chest also so every now and then I have to find time for a bout of coughing. The only good side to that is that its not the cough that carries you off but the coffin they carry you off in.

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22 July 2010

Kimmie Asked.

Kimmie has asked how Vicki is getting on so I thought it was time to give you an update.

I am pleased to say that she is doing well and is getting about doing things, more than she should be doing I think but you can only say so much. She has had several visitors so there has been plenty of talking going on so the world should be just about perfect by the time they've all finished putting to rights.

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20 July 2010

New Glasses

Vicki has to have some new glasses so because she can't drive for a few weeks I've combine a shopping trip to the garden centre with a visit to the opticians.

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18 July 2010

Corn Field

A picture from tonights dog walk.

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17 July 2010

Run Round.

This morning we had to go down to the doctors because when they discharged Vicki from hospital they did give her some things that she needs so this meant either going back to the hospital which is a 50 mile round trip or they said to go down to the doctors so we went to the doctors as I don't think its good for her to be riding round in the car for hours on end.

As it turned out it was all a waste of time anyway. After being passed back and forth from one department to another they decided they didn't have what she needed so we came back empty handed and she is going to try and manage without.

Other than that everything is going okay so far.

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15 July 2010

Waiting Room.

At the moment me and Vicki are in the hospital waiting room watching golf while we wait for Vicki to go to the operating theatre.

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14 July 2010

Thank You.

Thanks for your best wishes. For those that don't know Vicki is going in hospital tomorrow to have her gallstones removed. She expects to be in over night.

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That Sort Of Person.

To me, being the sort of person who can worry about nothing for weeks on end, having someone you know who is in hospital is all consuming to the point of leaving one exhausted. Tomorrow Vicki goes in for her operation.

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13 July 2010


Tonight we had four ladies from church round to dinner. I think everyone seemed to have a good time. As usual Vicki put on a good meal so everyone was pretty stuffed by the end.

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