9 July 2011

Going home.

We've had a good day at the seaside, took lots of doggy pics and had loads of fun playing ball and we are now on the way home. We will pic up a chinese meal to take home.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


Merle said...

Hi Rob ~~ I am glad to hear of your
happy day at the seaside and no doubt the dogs enjoyed it also.
I enjoy getting out of the house
to go shopping etc.
Sorry the weather is so cold and rainy as it is Summer over there.
I believe it is hot in London.
Shearing is hard on the back, so hope
you don't get that job too often.
Take care my friend. Regards, Merle.

Theanne and Baron said...


Jim said...

Hi Rob ~~ Maybe you could tell us where you go for 'the sea?' My kids and grandkids might like a nice day at the beach. (The just returned from Cyprus so it might be a while.)
I'll check your big blog next.

Braydon said...

good pics to see in this
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