28 November 2011

To Kill Jenny's slippers.

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. We had Vicki's mum Jenny come to stay for the weekend which was nice but unfortunately I've come down with a cold so not been able to enjoy things to the full. Nevertheless I went out for a meal with Vicki, Fallon, Jenny and several of Vicki's friends from church. I really don't agree with going out in to public places knowing that I'm ill as it doesn't seem fair to inflict my suffering on others by passing my germs on to them but I did go so sorry if I gave you a cold.

Whilst we were out the devil dog struck again, this time her dastardly deed was to kill Jenny's slippers. She had a passion for destroying footwear when she was a puppy but of late she has moved on to bigger prey and we were only saying as much to Jenny that morning, it seems she must have been listening in on the conversation and decided to teach us a lesson.

Today I have been mowing the front lawn which is quite amazing really considering the time of year but this is due to the continued mild weather. Believe it or not we are still awaiting our first frost of the Autumn. It was this time last year when temperatures were plummeting to record levels and we were just about to have the most snow in thirty years.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Hope your cold goes away soon.
I couldn't help but smile when I saw the state of the slippers, not nice I know, but I can only imagine the grand time 'Devil Dog' had in the destrution, must have been the sheepskin linings ;)

Beth said...

Poor Jenny and her poor slippers.

I hope you feel better soon.

Sara said...

Slippers are a favorite target around here! Tess did a very good job killing them.

Even though we had a record breaking snowfall in October this year, the past few weeks have been really warm and mild. Such a treat, as we are usually bundled up by now.

ellen abbott said...

Oh puppies. I think if we ever get another dog we will get a rescue. I don't think I have the patience for a puppy now no matter how cute they are.