5 April 2012

Back To Work.

The breakfast went okay although it was a pretty strange affair with not a Cornflake or fried egg in sight. Instead we had - well I'm not sure what they were but they seemed to be something more suited to the tea time table than the breakfast table but it was very nice all the same. 

Its back to work now, its a brighter day so could get on with some usual jobs again except I have to be somewhere close to the drive as I'm expecting a water pump to be delivered any day so I don't want them taking it back because there is no one to sign for it so I'm doing some edging close by so hopefully I can here people coming on the place. 

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

1 comment:

Theanne said...

forgive me for saying so Rob...but it's so like the UK made movies that I so dearly love. curiosity is getting the better of me...does your "gentleman" have a title! it just seems to kind of go with having a large country estate and staff! curious about the breakfast!