1. See to the dogs - Fed and watered. Cleaned the kennels. Left in the garden.
2. See to the sheep - Took across some hay. Checked and counted the sheep.
3. See to the greenhouses - Checked and watered round.
4. Digging - Did a bit of digging in the veg garden to fill in time until I could get into the hall.
5. Seeing to the logs - Filled the log box and coal buckets. Ordered more logs.
6. Break for tea.
7. Forking - Made a start on forking the Day Lily and Astibie beds by the Lily Pond but had to leave off to see to the delivery of logs.

8. Seeing to the logs - Set out the sheet to catch the bits from the logs. It saves a lot of clearing up afterwards. Threw the logs down into the cellar.

9. Break for lunch.
10. Clearing rubbish - Took away the rubbish left over from the logs.
11. Clearing rubbish - Carted off some rubbish from the veg garden.
12. Packing up - Cleaned and put away the tools.
13. Fed and put away the dogs.