9 December 2020

More work On the North Front.

 As promised in the last post here are some pictures of progress from work on the North Front. I won't put the before pictures on again in this post as they are only in the previous post so is easy enough just to go back and forth if you wish to compare.

In this first picture you can see where I have reduced the Holly trees and cut back the rose that was climbing through them. It was a shame to cut back the rose but it needed to be done in order to repair the wall that is in danger to falling down. There were actually stones coming out as I was working on the rose.

This is another angle and a closer look. I don't like the way the far Holly has turned out but there is not much else I can do other then cut it right back and start again. I'm hoping it will improve with time and some regular pruning. None of it wants to be allowed to grow up as it was apart from the rose but even that needs some careful training.

This area of work is a big improvement. There always was a little path up the side of the rose border but it was overgrown and lost to time. Now as you can see it has been reinstated.

Here is the view from the back looking towards the front of the house.

This is another angle. Here the way is partially cleared, I just had a bit more work to do on the shrub.

This is the finished article. After the cutting back I had to find some edging stones and fixed in before laying a bit of gravel. I just need to fork over the rose bed when the soil dries out which won't be until the new year now.


Doc said...

There are two things I despise pruning, holly and laurel. I do it but with a lot of cussing.

Rob said...

I can't say that I like them much either Doc. We have a Holly hedge and it's a horrible thing to trim.